

姓名 :刘小洋






出身年月:1979 年4 月





2011年6 月—至      今 江苏师范大学 教授

2012年1 月—2013 年1 月香港大学 机械工程系 博士后

2008年9 月—2011 年5 月东南大学 数学系 博士

2005年9 月—2008 年6 月东南大学 数学系 硕士










4.2018 年,江苏省教育科学研究成果奖(高校自然科学类)一等奖;

5.2018 年,淮海科学技术奖二等奖;

6.2019 年,江苏省高校“青蓝工程中青年学术带头人”;

7.2016 年,江苏师范大学最受毕业生喜爱的教师;

8.2016 年,江苏师范大学本科毕业设计优秀指导教师;

9.2017 年,江苏师范大学先进工作者.


1.2018/01—2021/12, 不确定干扰下的复杂网络非连续与非光滑有限时间控制,国家自然科学基金面上基金,编号:61773185,57 万;

2.2014/01—2016/12, 具有不连续特性的复杂网络有限时间同步及其应用,国家自然科学基金青年基金,编号:61304174,23 万;

3.2013/01—2013/12,不连续动力系统理论及其在复杂网络中的应用,国家自然科学基金天元基金,编号:11226146,3 万;

4.2012/07—2014/12,具有不连续激活函数的耦合神经网络同步控制,江苏省高校自然科学基金,编号:12KJB120002,5 万。


现为如下SCI 杂志的审稿人:IEEETransactions on Neural Networks,IEEE Transactions onCybernetics,Journal of the Franklin Institute,Neural Networks,Neurocomputing,Nonlinear Analysis,Physics Letters A,Applied Mathematical Modelling, Communications in Nonlinear Scienceand Numerical Simulation,Cognitive Neurodynamics,Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,以及应用数学学报,数学物理学报等。

为中国控制会议(CCC),中国控制与决策会议(CCDC)的程序委员会委员, 以及一些国际学术会议的审稿人,如:ISNN,ASCC,ACC, CDC,ICCNT 等。


[46] Jiahui Zhang, Song Zhu*, Gang Bao, Xiaoyang Liu, Shiping Wen, Analysisand design of multivalued high-capacity associative memories based on delayed recurrentneural networks, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI.10.1109/TCYB.2021.3095499. (SCI 一区)

[45] Zhou Xu, Xiaoyang Liu∗, Jinde Cao, Mei Song, Fixed-time bipartite consensus of nonlinear multi- agentsystems under directed signed graphs with disturbances, Journal of the FranklinInstitute, DOI. 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2022.02.023.

[44] Luxiang Wang, Xiaoyang Liu*, Jinde Cao, Xiaoting Hu, Fixed-timecontainment control for nonlinear multi-agent systems with externaldisturbances, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 69(2), 459-463,2022. (SCI 三区)

[43] Kun Mao, Xiaoyang Liu∗, Jinde Cao, Yuanfa Hu, Finite-time bipartite synchronization of coupledneural networks with uncertain parameters, Physica A, 585, 126431, 2022. (SCI 三区)

[42] Shao Shao, Jinde Cao, Yuanfa Hu*, Xiaoyang Liu, Prespecified-timedistributed synchronization of Lur'e networks with smooth controllers, AsianJournal of Control, 24,125-136, 2022. (SCI 三区)

[41] Shao Shao, Xiaoyang Liu*, Jinde Cao, Prespecified-time synchronizationof switched coupled neural networks via smooth controllers, Neural Networks,133, 32-39, 2021. (SCI 二区Top)

[40] Haibin He, Xiaoyang Liu*, Jinde Cao, Nan Jiang, Finite/fixed-timesynchronization of delayed inertial memristive neural networks withdiscontinuous activations and disturbances, Neural Processing Letters, 53,3525–3544, 2021. (SCI 三区)

[39] Yuanchu Shen, Song Zhu*, Xiaoyang Liu, Shiping Wen, Multistability andassociative memory of neural networks with Morita-like activation functions,Neural Networks, 142, 162-170, 2021. (SCI 二区Top)

[38] Luxiang Wang, Xiaoyang Liu*,Yuanfa Hu, Xiaoting Hu, Predefined-time containment control for nonlinearmulti-agent systems via sliding mode control,Proceedingsof the 40th Chinese Control Conference July 26-28, 2021, Shanghai, China. (EI)

[37] X. Liu, D.W.C. Ho, C. Xie, Prespecified-timecluster synchronization of complex networks via a smooth control approach, IEEETransactions on Cybernetics, 50(4), 1771-1775, 2020. (SCI 一区)

[36] Lulu Li, Xiaoyang Liu*,Wei Huang, Event-based bipartite multi-agentconsensus with partial information transmission and communication delays underantagonistic interactions, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 63,150204:1-150204:13, 2020. (SCI 二区Top)

[35] Huihui Yang, ZhengxinWang*, Qiang Song, Xiaoyang Liu, Min Xiao,Quasi-synchronization of multilayer heterogeneous networks with a dynamicleader, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 30, 2736-2751,2020. (SCI 二区Top)

[34] Haocong Wu, Xia Wang*, Xiaoyang Liu, Jinde Cao, Finite/fixed-timebipartite synchronization of coupled delayed neural networks under a unifieddiscontinuous controller, Neural Processing Letters, 52, 1359–1376, 2020. (SCI 四区)

[33] Yifan Sun, Lulu Li∗, Xiaoyang Liu, Exponential synchronization of neural networks withtime-varying delays and stochastic impulses, Neural Networks, 132, 342–352,2020. (SCI 二区Top)

[32] Shuo Li, Na Duan, Zhizheng Xu, Xiaoyang Liu, Tracking Control ofQuadrotor UAV with Input Delay, Proceedings of the 39th Chinese ControlConference July 27-29, 2020, Shenyang, China. (EI)

[31] X. Liu, D.W.C. Ho, Q. Song, W. Xu,Finite/fixed-time pinning synchronization of complex networks with stochasticdisturbances, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 49(6), 2398-2403,2019. (SCI 一区)

[30] X. Liu, J. Cao, C. Xie, Finite-time andfixed-time bipartite consensus of multi-agent systems under a unifieddiscontinuous control protocol, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 356(2),734–751, 2019. (SCI 二区Top)

[29] Nan Jiang, Xiaoyang Liu*, Jinde Cao, A unified framework forfinite-time and fixed-time stabilization of neural networks with generalactivations and external disturbances, Circuits, Systems, and SignalProcessing, 38, 1005–1022, 2019. (SCI 四区)

[28] X. Liu, D.W.C. Ho, J.Cao,W. Xu, Discontinuous observers designfor finite-time consensus of multiagent systems with external disturbances,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 28(11), 2826-2830,Nov. 2017. (SCI 一区)

[27] X. Liu, D.W.C. Ho, Q. Song, J. Cao,Finite-/fixed-time robust stabilization of switched discontinuous systems withdisturbances, Nonlinear Dynamics, 90:2057-2068, 2017. (SCI 二区Top)

[26] X. Liu, J. Cao, W. Yu, Q. Song, Nonsmoothfinite-time synchronization of switched coupled neural networks, IEEETransactions on Cybernetics, 46(10),2360-2371, Oct. 2016. (SCI 一区)

[25] X. Liu, H. Su, Michael.Z.Q.Chen, A switching approach to designing finite-time synchronization controllersof coupled neural networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and LearningSystems, 27(2), 471-482, Feb. 2016. (SCI 一区)

[24]X. Liu, J. Lam, W. Yu, G. Chen, Finite-time  consensus of  multiagent systems  with  a  switching protocol, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,27(4), 853-862, Apr. 2016. (SCI 一区)

[23] X. Liu, J. Cao, N. Jiang, G. Hao, S. Wang, Finite-time consensus ofsecond-order multi-agent systems via auxiliary system approach, Journal of theFranklin Institute, 353(7), 1479–1493, May. 2016. (SCI 二区Top)

[22] X. Liu, Michael Z. Q. Chen, H. Du, S. Yang,Further results on finite-time consensus of second-order multi-agent systemswithout velocity measurements, International Journal of Robust and NonlinearControl. 26(14), 3170-3185, Aug.2016. (SCI 二区Top)

[21] X. Liu, W. Yu, J. Cao, F. Alsaadi, Finite-time synchronisation control of complexnetworks via non-smooth analysis, IET Control Theory & Applications, 9(8),1245-1253, 2015. (SCI 三区)

[20] X. Liu, W. Yu, J. Cao, S. Chen, Discontinuous Lyapunov approach tostate estimation and filtering of jumped systems with sampled-data, NeuralNetworks, 68, 12-22, 2015. (SCI 二区Top)

[19] Nan Jiang*, XiaoyangLiu, Wenwu Yu, Jun Shen, Finite-time stochasticsynchronization of genetic regulatory networks, Neurocomputing 167, 314–321, 2015.(SCI 二区)

[18] X. Liu, D.W.C. Ho, W. Yu, J. Cao, A new switching design tofinite-time stabilization of nonlinear systems with applications to neuralnetworks, Neural Networks, 57, 94-102, 2014. (SCI 二区Top)

[17] X. Liu, J.H. Park, N. Jiang, J. Cao, Nonsmooth finite-timestabilization of neural networks with discontinuous activations, NeuralNetworks, 52, 25-32, 2014. (SCI 二区Top)

[16] Zhengxin Wang, Jinde Cao*, Zhisheng Duan,XiaoyangLiu, Synchronization of coupled Duffing-type oscillator dynamicalnetworks, Neurocomputing 136,162–169, 2014. (SCI 二区)

[15] Zhengxin Wang, Jinde Cao*, Guanrong Chen,XiaoyangLiu, Synchronization in an array of nonidentical neural networks withleakage delays and impulsive coupling, Neurocomputing 111,177–183, 2013.  (SCI 二区)

[14]X. Liu, N. Jiang, J. Cao, Finite-time stochastic stabilization for BAM neuralnetworks with uncertainties, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 350(8), 2109–2123,2013.  (SCI 二区Top)

[13] X. Liu, W. Yu, Estimation for Markovian jumpsystems with sampled data, Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference.128-131, 2013. (EI)

[12] X. Liu, W. Yu, Quasi-synchronizationof switched linearly coupled complex networks,ICARCV, 542-547, 2012. (EI)

[11] X. Liu, W. Yu, Quasi-synchronizationof delayed coupled networks with non-identical discontinuous nodes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7367, 274-284, 2012 (EI)

[10] X. Liu, J. Cao, W. Yu, Filippov systems andquasi-synchronization control for switched networks. Chaos, 22, 033110, 2012. (SCI 三区)

[9] X. Liu, T. Chen, J. Cao, W. Lu, Dissipativity andquasi-synchronization for neural networks with discontinuous activations andparameter mismatches, Neural Networks, 24(10), 1013-1021, 2011. (SCI 二区Top)

[8] X. Liu, J. Cao, Local synchronization ofone-to-one coupled neural networks with discontinuous activations, CognitiveNeurodynamics. 5,13-20, 2011. (SCI 四区)

[7] X. Liu, J. Cao, Robuststate estimation for neural networks with discontinuous activations. IEEETransactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B. 40(6) 1425-1437, 2010.  (SCI 一区)

[6] X. Liu, J. Cao, Complete periodic synchronizationof delayed neural networks with discontinuous activations. InternationalJournal of Bifurcation and chaos. 20(7) 2151-2164, 2010. (SCI 三区)

[5] X. Liu, J. Cao, Synchronization control ofdiscontinuous neural networks via approximation, Proceedings of the 22thControl and Decision Conference, Chinese. 782-787, 2010. (EI)

[4] X. Liu, J. Cao, On periodic solutionsof neural networks via differential inclusions, Neural Networks,22(4), 329-334, 2009. (SCI 二区Top)

[3] X. Liu, N. Jiang, Robust stability analysis ofgeneralized neural networks with multiple discrete delays and multipledistributed delays, Neurocomputing 72(7-9) 1789-1796, 2009. (SCI 二区)

[2] X. Liu, J. Cao, Exponential stability ofanti-periodic solutions for neural networks with multiple discrete anddistributed delays, IMechE, Part I: J. Systems and Control Engineering, 223,299-308, 2009. (SCI 四区)

[1] X. Liu, J. Cao, Robust stability of neuralnetworks with discontinuous activation functions and time-varying delays,Proceedings of the 7th Asian Control Conference, Hong Kong, 1233-1238, 2009.(EI)



1.邵劭 (东北大学 博士在读)

[1] Shao Shao, Jinde Cao, Yuanfa Hu*, Xiaoyang Liu, Prespecified-time distributedsynchronization of Lur'e networks with smooth controllers, Asian Journal ofControl, 24,125-136, 2022. (SCI 三区)

[2] Shao Shao, Xiaoyang Liu*, Jinde Cao,Prespecified-time synchronization of switched coupled neural networks viasmooth controllers, Neural Networks, 133, 32-39, 2021. (SCI 二区Top)

[3]邵劭,王霞,刘小洋,基于光滑控制的神经网络给定时间同步,南通大学学报(自然科学版), 19(01), 77-82, 2020.

[4]邵劭,胡元发,刘小洋,多智能体系统的有限时间与固定时间一致性,南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版),11(04), 409-413, 2019.


[1] Luxiang Wang, Xiaoyang Liu*, Jinde Cao, Xiaoting Hu, Fixed-timecontainment control for nonlinear multi-agent systems with externaldisturbances, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 69(2), 459-463,2022. (SCI 三区)

[2] Luxiang Wang, Xiaoyang Liu*,Yuanfa Hu, Xiaoting Hu, Predefined-time containment control for nonlinearmulti-agent systems via sliding mode control,Proceedingsof the 40th Chinese Control Conference July 26-28, 2021, Shanghai, China. (EI)


Kun Mao, Xiaoyang Liu∗, Jinde Cao, Yuanfa Hu, Finite-time bipartitesynchronization of coupled neural networks with uncertain parameters, PhysicaA, 585, 126431, 2022. (SCI 三区)


Zhou Xu, Xiaoyang Liu∗, Jinde Cao, Mei Song, Fixed-time bipartiteconsensus of nonlinear multi- agent systems under directed signed graphs withdisturbances, Journal of the Franklin Institute, DOI.10.1016/j.jfranklin.2022.02.023. (SCI二区)


Haibin He, Xiaoyang Liu*, Jinde Cao, Nan Jiang,Finite/fixed-time synchronization of delayed inertial memristive neuralnetworks with discontinuous activations and disturbances, Neural ProcessingLetters, 53, 3525–3544, 2021. (SCI 三区)



Haocong Wu, Xia Wang*, Xiaoyang Liu, Jinde Cao, Finite/fixed-time bipartitesynchronization of coupled delayed neural networks under a unifieddiscontinuous controller, Neural Processing Letters, 52, 1359–1376, 2020. (SCI 四区)


Wenjia Zhou,Yuanfa Hu, Xiaoyang Liu, Jinde Cao, Finite-time adaptive synchronization ofcoupled uncertain neural networks via intermittent control, Physica A, DOI. 10.1016/j.physa.2022.127107


陈苏浩,刘小洋,谢春丽,王书芹,具有外部干扰的耦合时滞神经网络固定时间二分同步,江苏大学学报(自然科学版). 42(06), 702-708, 2021.


梁军丽,胡元发,刘小洋,严浩远,基于非连续控制协议的切换耦合神经网络有限时间二分同步,南京理工大学学报. 45(03),306-313, 2021.